Monthly Archives: May 2009

Rancho San Antonio

Kieran peeking through a knothole at the converted barn just past Deer Hallow Farm @ Rancho San Antonio. Note: The farm is closed on Mondays. Bummer.

Another Awesome Day in Aptos.

It started out a little cool, but the sun overcame the fog around 2pm. Here’s Kieran with buddies – Elijah & Jake at Mrs. Robinson’s Beach (AKA: Platforms) Kieran sitting on my stomach shoving a piece of watermelon into his boca.

Poop Patrol Officer

Kieran has discovered that if he finds dog poop in the yard, Dad will pick it up.

Cool New Toy

Cool, eco-friendly toys made completely in California –

Boys Gone Wild

Do all kids go wild when they lose their clothes?