Monthly Archives: February 2009

Michelin Boy

Kieran wobbled around in all his new snow gear… until he figured out it was easiest to just sit.

Camping in Nevada City

The snow successfully knocked out power at Grams & Gramps house. Thankfully we had the stove to keep the house warm (and Kieran’s boots dry). Although Kieran stayed warm on his own by running around… and with Shirley absent, found a new buddy to cuddle with.

Double-barreled Fun

Kieran brought this home from daycare. And I’m not talking about the ball…


Kieran warming up for some Mario Kart with DD.

A little dog grooming

Kieran brushing Shirley His second outfit of the day…looks like he’ll be getting a third. It’s probably safe for us to officially state – Kieran is not allergic to dogs.